Friday 6 July 2012

MoodBoard- Secrets

Film Idea- The Secret

Zelda Okrhiana realizes that she has special powers at the age of 7, where she witnesses her parents death. This stays with her, so at the age of 18 she questions why they died. By then she has left her foster-home to fend for herself. By then the Order is planning to attack her now that she is unarmed, because they need her special powers to survive their existence.  However another pact knows about this happening, so they send out a guard, Leonardo Peach  to protect her. As time goes by she falls into many traps that would kill her, however the guard is always there. She finally bumps into him, a relationship forms and he is able to tell her who he is and what she is. This then develops unto her fighting of the pact with her powers and realizing her inner-self and her parents promises.

Film Treatment- The Secret, A short film or Trailer

Film Trailer

At the start of this trailer the will be a sound of a shushing noise which will play for 5 seconds before hard beat music sounds, with an extreme close up of a stricken girls face in the frame. It willi cut to the next shot of a film review on a black background, before it cuts to a long shot of a couple,(man and wife) being shot and them falling down, however I would only get the sound in and exposure to a lot of light in the frame so nothing can be seen. Afterwards there is quick cut to the woman's hand falling to the floor, as this happens the music descends so that it is on low volume and the Zelda, the girl, screams "noo!!" Cuts to the girl running, falling, this is shot with the camera being hand held to create tension and suspicion, especially when she is running. Then the black frame appears and we seen a pair of hands being clasped together. We then cut to the girls face then a mans, both with promising and anxious looks on their faces, this helps the audience understand their feelings. We hear a voice over of the man, Leonardo during these shots, saying "Are you ready?" Next shot consists of them jumping off something, however I thought I would get a low angle so that it seems that that they are jumping from a high angle, even though they would be jumping from a short height. 
