Monday 7 November 2011

Analyse on the three films on Friday 4th November.(Unfinished)

We first got to understand the term of what Protagonist meant as it involves a hero, a postitive character in the story or the main character who is at the centre of the film. This coincides with the 'anagonist' role which is vice versa and involves being the villian of the story. We also got understand what it is meant by media narrative and the narrative techniques applied in the text.
The narrative of the story changes through time which means more of the story ius added, this affects the ending of the story and concludes with the 'clear up' of the plot.
Enigma codes control how much we know of the story and effectively holds the audiences attention, it also creates mystery throughout the narrative.
Action codes are events in the story that we know are important in finding out the orginal plot, this develops the narrative and gives the onlooker something to think about. The story begins to progress after a serious of action codes which are easily identified.

As we carried on throughout the lesson we got to watch three different films, all with different motives and situations.
 Firstly we beagn watching Children of men, which have a very serouis and seral feel to it as it is set in the future. Just by watching the first few seconds of the film I had the urge to write down as many devices which was used, as there were a jumble of spoken words being said at once. This involved a blank screen which is a good technique to engage the audience and indulge them in the first few minutes, because we as the onlookers would be questioning on why there is a blank screen and why aren't there any pictures on display?

This had gone on for a few seconds there was a quick opening of people crowding round a tv, with people in the background walking up the streets, seeing as this was set in a mini shop. The news report of a dead boy rang out so that it was very clear for the rest of us to hear. There was a good technique there as when there was a blank screen first time the sound of the news report was close and intimate but when going to this scene the sound afterwards was very distant and far away, could suggest how far away a time that was. The fact that the camera is positioned in a way that the man who is ordering the coffee is at the centre. This clearly suggests the importance he has in the first scene rather than all the other characters. We follow him out the store and into the street afterwards.

This report hastily talks about a sudden event which has happened to a boy who had died at the young age of 18. This begins to develop curiosity among the audience as the concern for a man who died at a 'young' age turns to a heart breaking turning point. This could give us a hint about the rest of the film, so this effect is clearly a disequilibrium term.

All the characters have the same expression on their face as they look upon the sudden news report, gives a sense of despair and lose. We begin to feel sympathy for the event even though we are not in the scene, to add the effect to this there is the sound of wailing or crying which seems muffled but it is very effective towards this piece.

We seem to follow this man through the shop and so instantly know that this could possibly be the main character.

The background is greem and dusky, and we know this is a different time streme as the news reporter stated the time which they were in, '2027.' There is a lot in the mise en scene which help us determine the state of the film, the genre, and the target audience.

As we continue following this man who has a coffee in hand, the camera is clearly poistined on the other side of him, facing the shop. This is evidently done as after a few seconds, a sudden bomb is seen to go off and the sound of it gives of a shudder. This is definatley a good technique as the atmosphere was very calm and became tense when this sudden incident appeared. From this analysis, I find that the man we followed seemed to be the main character and possibly the protagonist. 

The actions codes were also fully displayed as the bomb could signify a trigger for an important event later on in the story, addtionally there are full enigma codes in this begining which creats suspense and curiosity.
A women is left wandering in the streets this creates a very tense atmosphere as specific feelings start appearing to

We finally get the introduction to this film with the written language being displayed. The title is very simple and direct to suggest the type of film it will be and the kind of genre. After the audience just witnessed the incident, the atmosphere and emotions are began to change especially when there is a small serious pause.

For Batman, there was a series of events which had a numerous devices displayed. At the begining, the camera is panning towards a group of buildings with some active music in the background, this of course begins to alter our attention on the specfic genre that this film could be put through, and this is answered when we hear and see the gun being cocked. Action and enigma codes are present thourgout the start with the sound s being high pitched and clear. The lighting is positive with a high key note added on. We only see the accounts of antagonist characters being portrayed so we firstly do not have an idea of the a super hero film but we do know that this particular film has a situated genre to it. To the ending of the begiining we have a disequiliubrum which tries to stop the bulgary thourghout but dismissivly fails and gets shot. The part I found interesting to analyse was when all of the bulgaers were shot down by a man, this man had a mask on but when taken off the sound trac immeadiatly changed and played out a serious, almost dangerous music which helped determine the kind of character this was. Also by looking at his experssion it was easily understood that this was a villian, just by his sly, menacing face.

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