Friday 30 September 2011


This film idea that I came up with was actually a thought that I had and had it written down ages ago and turned into a story. To make it even possible was the reading that I had done to come up with this thought. As I liked it, I began to think more and write done various other views and ideas which eventually I made into this specific story.
The main character Sam is a teenage boy whose parents had died in a car crash, this lead to him being adopted at a young age to a widower  who made him join the pact thinking that it will help him through life only to find that a mission is left for him to do concerning a very important deed when he turns 16, which leaves it haunting him for the rest of his life. He has know Mellissa all his life so when he is shown what to do by his half brother, Matt, he is distraught. He can’t defeat the Order so he has to go along with it. She doesn't realise this and thinks he might be angry because of family problems, even though her friends tell her to ditch him because he's not interested in her.



Sam is a boy who would get into fights just to protect someone. His love for Mellissa is strong and real but as we know he cannot defeat the Order. His relationship with his foster parent is not close and sides more with the pact.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

First two minutes of my film

     At the beginning of the film we see the opening credits with slow, serious music, the background consisting of slow snippets of images of woods at night. After a few minutes the screen, the title appears fading in with the background and then fading out until screen turns black and the music fades.In the forest

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     At the start of the film we see cigar smoke slithering in the air as it is held between a young man’s thumb and index finger. The camera stays at a medium close position where it is situated at a point ,looking straight at the smoke. It then pans out to look at the young man who is sitting on an antique red velvet chair smoking heavily on the cigar. From behind the camera, we hear a door creaking open as this happens the camera slowly turns to face the subject, a blond young man.
    “Oh, I didn’t say I was dropping by, did I? I’ve got something for you, Sam. The Archangel’s assistants gave this to me for you.”  This is what the man says at the door presenting a ring to the boy in the chair, but then places it onto a wooden desk. This is shown by an extreme close  up looking at the ring being placed, a non- diegetic sound of the ring’s heavy sound crashing onto the table. The camera zooms into the red ring where the focus blurs and in its place there is a distant photograph of a young lady in her teens standing near a forlorn tree where she is wearing a blue worn put top with faded jeans. She is staring into the distance, looking out the other way, where her hair is captured swaying in the wind and a beautiful smile is planted on her face. In the background there is a lake covered with mist and by the side of that a forest. The picture is taken in the daytime so there is sunlight streaming in. This stays like that for a few seconds and the picture is distorted and ripples like its a disturbed puddle. In its place the young mans fingers pick up the ring and look at it like it is something out of a nightmare. At this point the camera is taking a close up of the mans fingers until it reaches his face and then zooms out to display the characters emotion. I think this a good technique as the audience needs to know how he is feeling and why the object has made him feel that way. At that instance he flings the ring away like it is some disease he dosn't want to catch, this is only because he finds out the person he has to kill is Mellissa, his best friend who he cares about the most. We get a medium long shot of him sauntering backwards, he hits a wall and slides down. The next shot is a side angle of him mumbling to himself and his head shaking hastliy. ' It can't be her, It can't be.' This image of him fades and after we see him in his bedroom tossing and turning mumbling various words. The camera is coming from the front of the room and zooming into him in bed. The audince at this point should be quesitive by what's going on so at a random second he jumps up from bed and moans 'Mellissa' into the air, this is followed by the camera delving into his mouth and coming back with a womens mouth shouting for pupils to get to class, and this is the first scene commencing.


Tuesday 27 September 2011

My ideal film - Sacrifice

Firstly I have an idea of making a fantasy film involving love intertwined with it. My idea for a film consists of many genres that I would pick especially romance and fantasy as I have a great passion to direct and make this idea come alive. There are a number of films I find I would be passionate about making as I have many plans ideal yo make a great profit IF there are people who will support me in this plan.
       This film idea that I came up with was actually a thought that I had and had it written down ages ago and turned into a story. To make it even possible was the reading that I had done to come up with this thought. As I liked it, I began to think more and write done various other views and ideas which eventually I made into this specific story.
        The main character Sam is a teenage boy whose parents had died in a car crash, this lead to him being adopted at a young age to a widower  who made him join the pact thinking that it will help him through life only to find that a mission is left for him to do concerning a very important deed when he turns 16, which leaves it haunting him for the rest of his life. He has known Mellissa all his life so when he is shown what to do by his half brother, Matt, he is distraught. He can’t defeat the Order so he has to go along with it. She doesn't realise this and thinks he might be angry because of family problems, even though her friends tell her to ditch him because he's not interested in her.
 Both characters unfortunately fall in love through time because as we know he has a deed to do, so it is clear he has to stay away from her even if his intention is not to. Mellissa realises this but still has the love for him. Nearing the end he finds that he is compelled to kill her, but just at that point of death when she is at knife point, with Sam about to stab her,  Mellissa cries out and it is not just a normal tear it is the charm to break Sam out of it completely. However they both do not realise that this is an act of sacrifice which we find Sam is determined to do for her after figuring out the truth. It is a heart breaking experience as the audience is at the point of disappointment but this can finally be demolished as Sam and Mellissa have their final kiss and both die in a flash of lighting, and a pile of dust is left in their place.

Pitch Line

SACRIFICE is the new Twilight, Sam and mellissa destined to be together even though danger awaits them. If anyone loves Shakespeare this is the forbidden love for you.
A love story between two innocent people, Sam & Mellissa. A forbidden love that can never be true only until the end is near. A thriller which catches your eye, a love which will never die.

The Next Idea For My Ideal Film


Tuesday 20 September 2011

Three Colours Blue

Three Colours Blue
The film ‘Three Colours Blue’ has many devices which are there to entertain the audience and express meanings.  Devises such as visual, aural, non-verbal, verbal and written are the main ones which are present in many films including this particular one. Firstly at the start of the film there is sound but with no picture, of a low, deep pitch of an engine, this is followed by the camera zooming out to show a black wheel turning as it is on a motorway. As I heard this I felt the tension and the stiffness that came over me as I seemed to have an impulse that there was going to be some danger that would follow. This followed with a girl being shown at the back of a car, gazing out to find lights in a tunnel, this might represent that whoever was driving, including the girl might be in a dreamy state. This I think might also give a hint to the audience of what’s to come especially when I realised that as we followed the car, there were different times-the colour of the sky had changed, this was shown while I was still observing and the various places the car drove in. To me, this gave the impression that whoever was driving might have been on the wheel for a number of hours and it would be obvious that an accident may occur. This also had the same reason when a leak was shown at the bottom of the car, this could also indicate the danger which was sure to come. The technique was crucial as the shot of the dripping going softly and quietly could represent unawareness and carelessness by the characters.
While the leak was shone, the camera was out of focus on the girl who was playing beyond. She is instructed to go back in the car by her mother and we see them driving on. From when she went back into the car, it seemed like they were going somewhere important, this might have been the way in which they acted as they got ready to drive off again. Afterwards there is snippet on when they are on a road, and the sound of howling wind gets louder and more strong as they drive further, this makes the piece seem eerie and sinister. Next we see a boy with a toy and he is aiming to get the ball into the hole but fails, however as the car drives past, he finally achieves, this might signify the accomplishments which the family might have had throughout their life. But then there’s a screech and crash as the car thuds into a tree and there is a quiet but muffled cry, possibly from the girl before a ball falls out of the car. I found that this could connect with the little girl as she had gone running out of the car as they had the break. The ball could represent the girl and how graceful and innocent she is, and that she is able to be set free e.g. just like the ball. I like the way the director had made the time of the crash significant even though we knew that danger was striking, there was still some silence which had calmed the tension and curiosity between the audience. Although this somehow changed when the sudden crash happened and created a big impact on the audience watching.
There are various devices which are used such as diegetic sounds which the boy gets to hear when there crash happens, aural sounds that help create feelings of emotions; sound effects are also vital to build reactions and impressions, and mostly visual images and snaps which are essential for the audience, if they need to understand the story a little more.

Analysing the film Seven UNFINISHED

  • At the start of the film, loud eerie music is present in the background which is slow and deep to suggest how the type of genre this particular film could be put in.
  • The title appears to jump and flash across the screen which develops tension and unease througout the whole piece which the audience feels and understands.
  • Images of blood appear quickly on the screen this might suggest that this particular film would appeal to audiences who are interested in horror, the sharp sound track of the film also conjures up the type of genre it could appeal to.
  • It made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable watching the opening but I found that this would be ultimately different for a person interested in this type of genre. They would feel entirly at ease and interested in this specific piece. This means the whole mise en scene is vital if you want the film to entertain and grab the audience's attention.
  • There were many devices used which made the piece inviting to watch and easy to analyse. I found that there were numerous shots which were non-verbal such as the man's hands being in view while he was turning pages and placing pictures in the book, which could suggest how interested this man was doing the task which was shown. By the way he was placing and putting various pictures in order, it suggested calmness and steadliy, this might mean something could suggest that this man knows what he is doing and doesn't seem hesitate to stop.

  • Iconography:
  •  Semiotics- Study of symbols
- Cut up pictures- suggets targets, specfic people
- Scribbling out faces- Could represent death,
- Creating a book- Life, his task
- Razorblade- Icon which is sharp and dangerous could suggest lies and uncertainty. Peharps the characters are going to fall victim to the same appartus- a razorblade.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Three Films I have chosen to analyse

Three Movies I have analysed
The Adjustment Bureau- In the first 5 minutes of this film, I have identified various aural, visual and written language which has given a quick insight to what might be the genre, story and the audience appeal in the film. Firstly, it starts with the title being simple and quiet then beginning with cheering and newspaper articles with an upbeat tone in the background. The main character is involved with the special occasion shown by him talking to a big crowd, which is followed but just a quick shot of a man in a hat looking onwards at the main character in the crowd; this can give us the sense that this particular man could be involved with the character later on. Afterwards a shot of an office is seen with people talking in the background,  following after that the same man with the hat is found in a small room looking at a specific book in hand, we clearly now know that this man will have an essential part in the film as it is most common to happen. This may be the reason as it is easy for the audience to understand the plot before it goes any further. We then find the main character sitting down on a sofa watching T.V, this may be used to convey the behaviour and personality this person has as the audience would already know that he is acting Vice President by the event that happened before. Afterwards, we find the man with the hat, occupied by a group of other men in suits with hats strutting towards the camera in way to show a status which is high and respected, this can be perceived that they are important and may be trouble towards the main character which might become the plot of the film.  
Overall I find this film very planned together with characters having a great significance to the main character throughout the play which defiantly helps the onlooker find it easier to understand. After looking at it for five minutes, I got to realise that the target audience might be ranging from young adults to old and specifically woman as I know the play revolves around the romance between the main character, a man and a woman he falls in love with.
The Curious Case of Benjamin – In the opening of this film, a soft rhythm of a hospital machine beeps as an old lady comes into shot. This may be  shown to explain how serious the character’s situation is. As the camera starts to zoom out, we find the lady is hooked up to wires on a hospital bed.   This image might show the significance the character will be throughout the film. A spoken dialogue is followed when the old lady starts conversing words to a young woman sitting across the bed. Both characters introduce each other by having a conversation about the weather, this is a good technique as it is important for the audience to know who they are. The lady starts talking about a memory she remembered which starts playing as she talks in the background. It is about a man who is blind but has a passion for build clocks. He marries his wife and has boy although when the boy is called to war, he has no choice but to leave his mother and father. The man finally gets to build his adored clock only to find that his son dies. As people go to watch the clock being shown in a town hall, they find it goes backwards. The man starts explaining that it is a remembrance of the sons who could have been home if the clock was turned. Somehow this is the hidden plot as the main character Benjamin Button is a man at birth and a baby at death whose timeline is reversed just like the clock. As I analysed this film I found that it included various aural, visual and written language which appealed to a specific audience, mostly for older children and adults of both genders who have an interest in the genre fantasy. Although as I only got to see the first five minutes of the film, there was not enough information to decide the proper target audience.
Alice in the wonderland (Disney)- The beginning of this film, starts with a soft melody of a chorus that is followed by a written language of the title Alice in the Wonderland zooming in. The background consists of the parliament of London and the Big Ben; this would show where the setting is set. This is shown until we are brought to a London mansion window, looking in we see a group of men talking amongst each other before a young girl comes walking in and a man asks a question. We then see them both in the bedroom and he is talking about his dreams to her, as with other films,  we can easily understand that these two characters are the subject to the film as they seem outlined then the others by the way they are presented. They also talk about her nightmares which she suffers from, and as I went through the story I realised that there was a connection as her dream is her future. This continues when she grows up, she is seen getting into a carriage with her mother and also explains her dreams. They end up at a coronation of the girl, Alice, being taken for marriage; this is followed by her finding a rabbit and chasing it until she falls into a pit. This where the visual aspects come into the film and CGI is used, this makes the film more believable and authentic which is a good way if you want a clear message of entertainment get across to the audience. In my opinion the genre is clearly fantasy but may have tracks of Sci-fi, I also know that the film would appeal to a younger age range and probably adults if interested in this topic. I have also found the three many aspects: Visual, audio and written language in this film which has made it easier to analyse throughout watching it. I find that this film has a hidden message behind it; expressing how daydreams can come true and that we have only got to believe it to experience it. Although this specific film from Tim Burton doesn’t go with exactly the book plot as when the film finishes we realise it was real after all, even though in the book it was all a dream, this does not satisfied me as much as it should do because, I think films like this should have more suspense thrown into it.

How is media vital in our life?

How is media vital in our life?
The media is consisted of various platforms which are vital for connecting with the global relations as it is for modern life. Technology is developing throughout time to create different and useful ways in which we communicate and media is one of them.  People in this day and age would have the skill to use technology to its greatest, and by using this, would have the ability to transmit or transfer conversations or information via phones, emails, fax, texts and mobile phones which we tend use every day. To have an understanding of the media, can bring us closer together in ways in which will prepare us for a much bigger future and encourage more ideas and concepts. Even though it may seem a pain to use, for example when you fill in a form online, it can beneficial when stuck.
In many aspects media is seen as a crucial part of human lives today, as it can be very helpful for important interests. It is easier to communicate and express ideas that were impossible before when technology was still in the making, and create it into something extraordinary. Things that seemed would never come to light had been computers, phones, film, radios, television and the internet. These are the most relevant platforms many humans have gotten to understand involving them with the mass communication vital for lives today.
Although, not everyone will have the same view on what media means to us, others may criticize how the media is damaging us in a way that we won’t be able to get out of. It can prevent us from socialising face to face if using the internet by communicating, harming us if we do not know how to use advanced technology and changing the way people behave. It does not just mean machinery; CDs, DVDs are just an example of where human ideas have taken us, replacing old fashioned stereos or even human hands.
There also many different reasons in which it could affect our daily lives to an extent where many may find it misleading. It is such an easy way to use technology and abuse it, for example abusing people’s rights on the internet and taking advantage to the usage it can provide. It not only develops depression amongst many, it also creates a feeling of comfort which may not be beneficial.
In my opinion I find the media a very big part of my life. I use various forms of communication involving different types of media such as internet and phones, to share and convey my thoughts and views. In general, it is easy to understand that the media IS changing our perspective of life and the way in which people conduct themselves. In some ways this can affect our daily lifestyle and change the way we see life that may be harmful in a way. However I do find that the term media can be expressed in many ways which are present in front of us, including the common form of audio, visual, written platforms that can delve easily into our life’s every day.

Tuesday 13 September 2011