Tuesday 20 September 2011

Analysing the film Seven UNFINISHED

  • At the start of the film, loud eerie music is present in the background which is slow and deep to suggest how the type of genre this particular film could be put in.
  • The title appears to jump and flash across the screen which develops tension and unease througout the whole piece which the audience feels and understands.
  • Images of blood appear quickly on the screen this might suggest that this particular film would appeal to audiences who are interested in horror, the sharp sound track of the film also conjures up the type of genre it could appeal to.
  • It made me feel uneasy and uncomfortable watching the opening but I found that this would be ultimately different for a person interested in this type of genre. They would feel entirly at ease and interested in this specific piece. This means the whole mise en scene is vital if you want the film to entertain and grab the audience's attention.
  • There were many devices used which made the piece inviting to watch and easy to analyse. I found that there were numerous shots which were non-verbal such as the man's hands being in view while he was turning pages and placing pictures in the book, which could suggest how interested this man was doing the task which was shown. By the way he was placing and putting various pictures in order, it suggested calmness and steadliy, this might mean something could suggest that this man knows what he is doing and doesn't seem hesitate to stop.

  • Iconography:
  •  Semiotics- Study of symbols
- Cut up pictures- suggets targets, specfic people
- Scribbling out faces- Could represent death,
- Creating a book- Life, his task
- Razorblade- Icon which is sharp and dangerous could suggest lies and uncertainty. Peharps the characters are going to fall victim to the same appartus- a razorblade.

1 comment:

  1. Though unfinished this shows a clear and deep engagement with the work. well done!

    www strong attempt to describe the denotation, some use of media terms. Good connections being drawn between text and audience.

    ebi - be more confident in the use of media terminology from shot size through to mise en scene.
