Thursday 15 September 2011

Three Films I have chosen to analyse

Three Movies I have analysed
The Adjustment Bureau- In the first 5 minutes of this film, I have identified various aural, visual and written language which has given a quick insight to what might be the genre, story and the audience appeal in the film. Firstly, it starts with the title being simple and quiet then beginning with cheering and newspaper articles with an upbeat tone in the background. The main character is involved with the special occasion shown by him talking to a big crowd, which is followed but just a quick shot of a man in a hat looking onwards at the main character in the crowd; this can give us the sense that this particular man could be involved with the character later on. Afterwards a shot of an office is seen with people talking in the background,  following after that the same man with the hat is found in a small room looking at a specific book in hand, we clearly now know that this man will have an essential part in the film as it is most common to happen. This may be the reason as it is easy for the audience to understand the plot before it goes any further. We then find the main character sitting down on a sofa watching T.V, this may be used to convey the behaviour and personality this person has as the audience would already know that he is acting Vice President by the event that happened before. Afterwards, we find the man with the hat, occupied by a group of other men in suits with hats strutting towards the camera in way to show a status which is high and respected, this can be perceived that they are important and may be trouble towards the main character which might become the plot of the film.  
Overall I find this film very planned together with characters having a great significance to the main character throughout the play which defiantly helps the onlooker find it easier to understand. After looking at it for five minutes, I got to realise that the target audience might be ranging from young adults to old and specifically woman as I know the play revolves around the romance between the main character, a man and a woman he falls in love with.
The Curious Case of Benjamin – In the opening of this film, a soft rhythm of a hospital machine beeps as an old lady comes into shot. This may be  shown to explain how serious the character’s situation is. As the camera starts to zoom out, we find the lady is hooked up to wires on a hospital bed.   This image might show the significance the character will be throughout the film. A spoken dialogue is followed when the old lady starts conversing words to a young woman sitting across the bed. Both characters introduce each other by having a conversation about the weather, this is a good technique as it is important for the audience to know who they are. The lady starts talking about a memory she remembered which starts playing as she talks in the background. It is about a man who is blind but has a passion for build clocks. He marries his wife and has boy although when the boy is called to war, he has no choice but to leave his mother and father. The man finally gets to build his adored clock only to find that his son dies. As people go to watch the clock being shown in a town hall, they find it goes backwards. The man starts explaining that it is a remembrance of the sons who could have been home if the clock was turned. Somehow this is the hidden plot as the main character Benjamin Button is a man at birth and a baby at death whose timeline is reversed just like the clock. As I analysed this film I found that it included various aural, visual and written language which appealed to a specific audience, mostly for older children and adults of both genders who have an interest in the genre fantasy. Although as I only got to see the first five minutes of the film, there was not enough information to decide the proper target audience.
Alice in the wonderland (Disney)- The beginning of this film, starts with a soft melody of a chorus that is followed by a written language of the title Alice in the Wonderland zooming in. The background consists of the parliament of London and the Big Ben; this would show where the setting is set. This is shown until we are brought to a London mansion window, looking in we see a group of men talking amongst each other before a young girl comes walking in and a man asks a question. We then see them both in the bedroom and he is talking about his dreams to her, as with other films,  we can easily understand that these two characters are the subject to the film as they seem outlined then the others by the way they are presented. They also talk about her nightmares which she suffers from, and as I went through the story I realised that there was a connection as her dream is her future. This continues when she grows up, she is seen getting into a carriage with her mother and also explains her dreams. They end up at a coronation of the girl, Alice, being taken for marriage; this is followed by her finding a rabbit and chasing it until she falls into a pit. This where the visual aspects come into the film and CGI is used, this makes the film more believable and authentic which is a good way if you want a clear message of entertainment get across to the audience. In my opinion the genre is clearly fantasy but may have tracks of Sci-fi, I also know that the film would appeal to a younger age range and probably adults if interested in this topic. I have also found the three many aspects: Visual, audio and written language in this film which has made it easier to analyse throughout watching it. I find that this film has a hidden message behind it; expressing how daydreams can come true and that we have only got to believe it to experience it. Although this specific film from Tim Burton doesn’t go with exactly the book plot as when the film finishes we realise it was real after all, even though in the book it was all a dream, this does not satisfied me as much as it should do because, I think films like this should have more suspense thrown into it.

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